Dec 9, 2013

Stay Slim During The Holidaze

If you read my guest post from Thanksgiving, you now know that having a "fat & happy" holiday isn't always as great as it's cut out to be. Over the holidays the average person gains weight because let's face it... there are treats galore and little motivation to go to the gym in this frigid weather. Chances are, we don't need to be bikini ready anytime soon so why bother. Am I right? If you're feeling this way, you're not the only one.

However, it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle especially during this time of the year. Not only will you get a head start on your New Year's resolutions, but I bet you'll enjoy the holiday even more -- with renewed energy and appreciation for every tasty treat that hits your lips. Here are 3 easy ways to stay fit during the holidays (without denying yourself):

  • Choose Your Favorites: Holiday parties prove to be the worst temptation for me during this time of year (that and just walking through Trader Joe's. So much chocolate peppermint it's kind of amazing...). However, just because you have your choice of Gingerbread and Peppermint and Chocolate and Fudge and Cake and Cookies and Ice Cream etc etc... doesn't mean you get to have it all. We all have our favorites and not so favorites. Splurge on your favorite treat or two and skip the rest. You know what it tastes like and you know it's not all that great. 
  • Amp up Your Workout: The week of any holiday throughout the year, I always throw in a little extra cardio and a few more repetitions in my classes. Especially during Christmas time, we eat, drink and are merry over the holidays. If you're stepping up your eating and drinking, why not step up your workouts? Have you been wanting to try a new class at the gym or try out a new studio? Now is a perfect time to experiment with something new, before the New Years crowd rolls in. 
  • Find a Balance: We are all entitled to a little splurging this time of year. Personally, my recnt craving has been peppermint mochas. Say what?! (The baby wants, what the baby wants, okay?) I've been giving into temptation just as much as anyone! However, if you're going to indulge in a sweet snack, make a healthy choice for dinner and lunch. It's important to find balance in your diet. If you're eating sweets for lunch, don't have them for dinner. Don't turn a bad meal into a bad day or a bad day into a bad week...

Overall, enjoy this time. Don't beat yourself up about indulging in your favorite goodies. Just remember, whatever decisions you make today will affect how you feel and look tomorrow. Hit the gym, throw in a little extra cardio and try to find a healthy balance in your life. Not only a balance in your diet, but in your time, purchases, work and social life. You'll be able to enjoy the holiday much more this year. Happy holidays, babes xoxo

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